Your Diary Entry

If you have ANY opinions on smoking, let us know your diary entries and thoughts below.

    Your entry may be used by eskimosoup on behalf of Hull City Council on the Diary of a Chimney Kid website, social media channels and printed materials. Only your first name and age will be used so you will not be identifiable to the public. If preferred, we can use an alternative name alongside your entry instead. Please tick your preferred option below:

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    My thoughts are that children, like in year 10-11 (high school) are smoking on school grounds, which is annoying. My grandma smokes too but I can't see her bacuse I have asthma. Maddie, 11.
    I feel as though smoking is a trend that people follow because their mates do it and they see it as 'cool' but it isn't even attractive at all. Abbie, 16.
    I don't think smoking should be legal because it is so harmful to our bodies and can cause people to die. Annie, 14
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