Quitting Smoking

Why quit?

  • Every year you smoke beyond the age of 35, you lose 3 months of fun and adventure!
  • Did you know 70% of smokers want to quit for good? 
  • SmokeFree Hull is here to help with free local support, including things like patches and gum.
  • You’re up to three times more likely to quit with professional help – we’re in this together!
  • Smoking makes breathing harder. Quitting is tough, but you can do it, and we’ve got your back!

Quitting Smoking Support – SmokeFree Hull (Adults 12+)

SmokeFree Hull helps young people stop smoking for free and in secret. They have a 12-week plan with one-on-one talks, discussions about coping strategies, beating peer pressure, and making healthier choices. They even check something called carbon monoxide and give support every week. If you decide to stop smoking, they can help you with a voucher for your nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) at the pharmacy. No stress, we got you!

I started smoking when I was 14 and that was only because my friends smoked. I finally stopped at the age of 21 after seeing an advert on TV showing the lungs of a smoker. I must admit I always had a sweet in my mouth, that’s how I quit. Maureen 73
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